Non-Executive Board Member

Non-Executive Board Member

The Non-Executive Board member provides an independent view on the running of our business, governance and boardroom best practice. They oversee and constructively challenge management in its implementation of strategy within the Group’s system of governance and the risk appetite set by the Board. Please contact us for further information and possibilities and/or our Terms of Engagement.

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Advisory Board Member

Advisory Board Member

Nobody can build a great business alone, and whether it’s a start up or an established industry leader, having access to high-quality advice can enhance an organization’s odds of success. Entities seeking advice can obtain it from a board of directors, consultants or networks of one sort or another. Increasingly, attention is being given to the importance of advisory boards. Enterprises considering setting up an advisory board must answer a key question: “Why are we establishing an advisory board and what do we want out of it?” The enterprise may be seeking assistance with anything from marketing to managing human resources to influencing the direction of regulators. Thinking carefully about an advisory board’s purpose will ensure that it will be structured to maximize its contribution to an organization’s success. Please contact us for further information and possibilities and/or our Terms of Engagement.